
Before speaking to Veena I was in a real rut – stuck in the midst of global pandemic but also just creeping out of 6 years of pregnancy, babies, sleepless nights and loss of self. I have learnt more about myself in the past few months speaking to her, than I have in the past decade of being alone with my own thoughts. She is warm and approachable and gave me a safe space to say exactly what was in my head without worry of judgement. Her unbiased questioning gave me so many opportunities to really focus on my actual needs and wants, rather than the things I have assumed were priorities for most of my adult life. 

I have started to acknowledge and understand the way my brain is wired – where I have made roadblocks and excuses previously, I now feel like I have more clarity to pursue my own goals, however big or small they may be. I have become much more accepting of myself, giving myself grace for things I would usually have seen as failure or ‘not perfect’.

I feel like I have gone from just surviving, to thriving in a time where I would not have thought it possible. I have picked up hobbies/exercise that I would have ordinarily pushed to the side, and I am now really looking at how I spend my time and effort in order to further my career and family goals. 

Veena has been absolutely instrumental in this and I cannot express how powerful our sessions have been on all areas of my life. Thank you.

Genetic Scientist (Sussex)

Veena introduced me to the concept of coaching in a very supportive manner. She offered six sessions at a particualrly challenging period of COVID 19 Pandemic. She was always punctual and proactivley arranged sessions at mutually convienient times. We engaged in these sessions virtually over the phone. She reassured me about confidentiality.

Veena made me feel comfortable enough to share my personal information so that she could understand the challenges in my personal and professional life. We chose to discuss short, medium and long term goals I wanted to achieve to reach my full potential. During these sessions, she was very organised and engaging. She helped me to think and consider all available options to achive my goals.

At the end of these sessions, I feel more content in myself fulfilling multiple roles as a mother, wife, daughter and a doctor. My work satisfaction has improved and I am more actively engaged in my clinical and management roles. I have been able to achieve better work life balance.

Doctor (Manchester)

I had never had any coaching before I started my sessions with Veena so I was a little apprehensive. From our first conversation, I knew that these sessions were going to be productive and an invaluable support in helping me to achieve my goals. Veena put me at ease straight away and we discussed a few goals which I needed help with. She really got to know me and understood and empathised with how important these dreams and aims were for me and how much they meant.  Veena and I discussed the background to my aims and goals and she helped me to see the bigger picture and what was driving me to achieve these. On a practical level, our sessions were constructive, logical and solutions focussed – so often we can have something that we really want to get going, but inertia or feeling overwhelmed takes over. Veena helped me to break down my goals into manageable and achievable sections and after I had achieved what we set out, I felt fantastic and like my dreams would definitely become reality!
On an emotional and personal level, Veena is just amazing – so warm and so easy to talk to. I found that working towards achieving my dreams had a lot of different emotions attached to them. Not only did Veena help me work through these patiently and with kindness but she really has made me feel stronger and more capable of making demonstrable differences to my life. My sessions with Veena have changed the way I see my goals, my future and myself. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough.

Solicitor (London)

Our sessions have enabled me to push forward with a number of goals successfully, by unpacking any obstacles or blockages that may be getting in the way of me excelling and pushing forward. Our sessions have provided me with a very direct and clear pathway to move forward with, they have also made me fully accountable for completing the items I said I would per session. This clarity around accountability is really working for me in terms of being able to fully grasp what is required of me around achieving the things I want. Veena’s coaching style is clean, pure and light and I am truly grateful for the insight our sessions provide.

Corporate Banker (London)

Veena has fantastic listening skills and is able to get right to the heart of whatever subject we are discussing in my coaching sessions. I always feel that Veena is very supportive but equally, she is not afraid to challenge me – which has, on a number of occasions, really helped me see beyond some of my preconceptions.

Veena’s warmth and friendly manner is a great attribute in a coach and I always feel completely at ease. As a result of my coaching sessions with Veena, I feel that I have been able to achieve a lot more with my time than I woould have done otherwise (both progressing with developing my business and finding the right balance with downtime) and I have also had a few lightbulb moments in relation to how I perceive my own confidence.

I would highly recommend Veena to any colleagues or friends seeking a compassionate, focused and talented coach – thank you, Veena, for all your help and support.


As a senior leader in the NHS I accessed veena’s coaching at a time of real need ….. it helped me re frame , it helped me re focus and it helped me believe in me …. no matter how resilient  we are and no matter how experienced and strong we are in our field we are human and can “wobble” ….. having that insight and asking for the help is a really important thing to do and being able to get that from someone with the right skills is also key

Professor Sandeep

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