Unlock your true purpose, passion & potential

Lockdowns and life-changing events can be catalysts. We feel inspired to crave a new way of life, more aligned with who we are. A life coach or professional career development coach supports you on this journey. They reframe your experiences. And allow you to unlock your authentic self.

Coaching is a form of self-care. It’s a strategic stock-take. An opportunity to determine a future full of positivity.

‘Life-hacks’, self-help books & advice from friends or family can be useful.

But with an experienced and un-biased professional coach, you can translate ambition into action.

Veena will be your biggest cheerleader, uncover your primary motivations and hold you to account.

She’ll sharpen your awareness of what you really want. Then break down the process of how to get there into bite-sized steps.

Coaching gives your biggest decisions, the due deliberation, oxygen, encouragement & support they deserve.

Life Coach

One to one life coaching

Business Coach

Professional career coaching and development

Why Veena?

“I’ve conquered insurmountable challenges throughout my life. Not content with just surviving. I live to thrive. I’ve been gifted with a unique ability to help others overcome their own challenges, so they can thrive too”.

Accredited by The Coaching Academy

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